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Brand names: Implanon, Nexplanon

The implant is a matchstick-sized rod that gets inserted in your arm. A provider inserts and removes the implant during office visits. It may be right for you if you want to prevent pregnancy at least one year and a very effective method that is easy to use. Read more.

The implant does not protect against HIV or STIs. Always use a condom.

Effectiveness based upon typical use.​

99% Effective
Lasts 1-3 Years
Taken Out Anytime

Are there any side effects?

Side effects may include irregular bleeding and spotting (especially in the first months), fewer and lighter periods for most women, but longer, heavier periods for some women.

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CONTACT US was developed by the Baltimore City Teen Pregnancy Prevention Initiative with additional information provided by the Association of Reproductive Health ProfessionalsBedsiderThe National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy, and Planned Parenthood. All birth control photography is property of and used with permission.

Know What U Want is a project of the Baltimore City Health Department and The Family League of Baltimore with the support of Planned Parenthood of Maryland, The Maryland Institute College of Art, New Lens, The Abell Foundation, The Straus Foundation, The David and Barbara B. Hirschhorn Foundation and The Henry and Ruth Blaustein Rosenberg Foundation.

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